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奥古斯丁职业部旨在通过多语言网站创建更多的社会,他们可以使用当地语言阅读并阅读。 奥古斯丁职业部已经做好了工作,以便为其多语言网站提供准确的翻译。 然而,翻译中产生的差异或差异仍然可能出现。 翻译中的这些差异或差异不是故意的。 如果任何问题不符合网站翻译版本的信息的准确性,请参阅本网站的英文版,这是通过点击上面的菲律宾旗帜可以阅读的官方版本。


The Bokasyong Agustino (Augustinian Vocations) website uses SDL's Free Translation service and Google Translation service for its multilingual websites. The Augustinian Vocations Ministry aims to reach more people globally by creating multilingual website which they can access and read in their local language. The Augustinian Vocations Ministry has made reasonable efforts in order to provide accurate translations for its multilingual websites. However, discrepancies or differences created in the translations can still arise. These discrepancies or differences in the translations are not intentional. If any questions arise concerning the accuracy of the information presented by the translated version of the website, please refer to the English version of this website, which is the official version that can be read by clicking the Philippine flag above.

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