Formation for the religious life in the Augustinian community is of greatest importance for every one of the brothers and for the very well being of the Order. Formation of candidates will ensure a steady supply of members to the Order through the Province of the Philippines and through the Augustinian Vicariate of the Orient. Formation includes a series of progressive stages leading to a total and final Commitment of the candidate to Christ. Formation is to take place in a gradual and systematic way, while keeping a proper balance between human values and those based on the evangelical counsels, and telling the Augustinian charism, which is our way of responding to the evangelical counsels. This formation should always be carried out in the context of the Augustinian charism: life, faith and apostolate shared in communion with all the brothers. This constitutes the very substance of the Augustinian lifestyle.
The Aspirancy period starts immediately after the candidate enters the seminary. He will be immersed in the daily life of a seminarian in all aspects - academic, community and apostolate among others. He will be attending a series of talks given by the different brothers and the Vocation Team about various subjects which include the life of St. Augustine, the History of the Order, social etiquette, among others.
VENUE: Seminario San Agustin Postulancy and Pre-Novitiate House Intramuros, Manila
Is the time spent by candidates from the day they are admitted to the communal life of the seminary. His first year as a postulant will be a non-academic year. Starting second year postulancy, candidates will undergo four years of philosophical training and receive basic formation training and classes.
Is the time spent by candidates from the day they are admitted to the communal life of the seminary. His first year as a postulant will be a non-academic year. Starting second year postulancy, candidates will undergo two years of philosophical training (associate) and receive basic formation training and classes.
VENUE: Seminario San Agustin Postulancy and Pre-Novitiate House Intramuros, Manila
Is the time immediately preceding the novitiate level wherein the candidates are in their final year of philosophical training and receive a further instruction on religious and community life. It covers a period of six months and the candidates are required to live religious life in a more intense way.
Is the time immediately preceding the novitiate level wherein the candidates are in their final year of philosophical training (associate) and receive a further instruction on religious and community life. It covers a period of six months and the candidates are required to live religious life in a more intense way.
VENUE: Seminario San Agustin Postulancy and Pre-Novitiate House Intramuros, Manila
This period of the formation process is for discernment and acquaintance with the Augustinian way of life. The Rule and Constitution, the history and the tradition, which all lead the candidates to a temporary commitment to the Augustinian community.
VENUE: Augustinian Novitiate and Prayer House Mohon, Cebu Province
Is the time spent by candidates after their temporary profession at the end of novitiate. The candidates continue their religious life as professed brothers while doing their theological studies. For the time being the candidates of the Vicariate will spend their time as simple professed friars at the Estudio Teologico Agustiniano of Valladolid, Spain, or at the Professorium House of Seminario San Agustin in Intramuros, Manila.
VENUE: Seminario San Agustin Professorium and Novitiate House (Real Street, Intramuros, Manila)
Estudio Teologico Agustiniano de Valladolid (Paseo de Filipinos 7 47007 Valladolid, Spain)