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Vocations Media Committee

Seminario holds 2nd St. Thomas of Villanova Lecture Series

The Seminario San Agustin community has held for a second time the St. Thomas of Villanova Lecture Series last October 15, 2016 at the Pre-Novitiate Classroom of the seminary. Two postulants and a simple professed friar presented different topics for the symposium which centered on social sciences, philosophy and theology.

The symposium started with a prayer, followed by the opening remarks of Rev. Fr. Jumbim Fuentes Torres, O.S.A., J.C.L., Assistant Master of the Professed Friars and the introduction of the speakers.

Fr. Torres said in his opening remarks that he hopes the the things "we will learn here will not just remain in the head, but permeate in the hands and in the heart."

"I hope that it will help in your integral growth," Fr. Torres added.

Post. Zosthenes Alicdan first presented his topic entitled “Salient Provisions of RA 7610,” or more known as the Special Protection of Children Against Abuse, Exploitation and Discrimination Act of 1992. Post. Alicdan presented case studies regarding sexual abuses to children. He also stressed out in his talk the different factors that can lead to sexual abuse and harassment, as well as the different factors on why children fail to report the abuses done to them.

In the end of his talk, Post. Alicdan presented different ways to interview a child who was sexually abused and explained the concept of restorative justice, a system that focuses on the rehabilitation of offenders through reconciliation with victims and the community.

Next to present his topic was Post. Dannie Bautista which was entitled, “An Essay on the Revival of Augustinian Pedagogy in Bernard Lonergan's Cumulative Learning."

In his topic, Post. Bautista presented the concept of Augustinian pedagogy as a work of the heart and the mind. He also added that Augustinian pedagogy puts more importance on wisdom that is transmitted than the knowledge that is passed.

After presenting Augustinian pedagogy he then proceeds to present Lonergan's 'Cumulative Learning'. Lonergan believed that learning is a work of the many and that no one can know anything without the help of something or someone.

In the end of his talk, Post. Bautista presented the man as the subject of the cumulative learning of things.

Fray William Peter Arlegui, OSA also presented his topic in the symposium entitled, "Jesus My 'Karamay': Remodelling the Concept of Salvation in the perspective of HIV-AIDS Friends". Fray Arlegui first explained the concept and then went on to explain how people with HIV-AIDS view Jesus.

Fray Arlegui said that people with HIV-AIDS view Jesus as their 'Karamay', that Jesus 'is with them despite their disease(s).'

In the end of his talk, Fray Arlegui stressed out that Jesus, the bringer of salvation is our ultimate 'Karamay'. "He will not just stand by us but he will also deliver us from war, conflict and disease...", Fray Arlegui said.

After the symposium, each of the speakers were awarded with certificates of recognition and tokens of appreciation which was given by Rev. Fr. Peter Casiño, O.S.A., the Regional Vicar of the Augustinian Vicariate of the Orient.

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