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Seminario celebrates the feasts of Sts. Augustine, Monica

Vocations Media Committee

The seminary community had once again gathered in the spirit of fun and togetherness as they held different activities in honor of St. Augustine of Hippo and St. Monica with the theme, "ATM: A Celebration of God's Mercy through the Augustinian family."

The month-long celebration began last August 6 with a Sports Festival organized by the Seminary Sports Committee at the Colegio San Agustin - Makati. The Sports Festival began with the lighting of the torch by the final candidates of Mr. Agustino 2016.

After a few minutes of exercise, the games officially started. The seminarians played sports like basketball, volleyball and swimming. The community has also been divided to two, namely, Team Kukurikapo and Team Kukurikapa. These two teams faced off each other during the SportsFest.

The community also organized a movie viewing event last August 12.

On August 13, the community had a lecture about St. Augustine, which was facilitated by Sr. Niceta Vargas, OSA, Mother General of the Augustinian Sisters of Our Lady of Consolation (ASOLC). The talk focused about St. Augustine's life as a student.

The seminary community also joined the novena masses in honor of St. Augustine from August 19-27. The community served as the altar servers on the first day of the novena, which was presided by Rev. Fr. Reginald Malicdem, Chanecellor of the Archdiocese of Manila and Rector of the Manila Cathedral.

The community served as the choir during the fifth day of the novena masses, which was presided by Rev. Fr. Eldy De Castro from the Order of Hospitallers of St. John of God (OH).

The community, in its aim to continue to learn about St. Augustine and Monica, also had a Quiz Bee last August 19, which was held at the Professorium Lobby. The questions that were asked during the quiz bee came from the life and works of Our Spiritual Founder and his Mother, and also the history of the Order of St. Augustine, both in and out of the Philippines. The winners of the quiz bee came from Team Juan de Sahagun.

The community also organized a dental mission for the people of Intramuros, Port Area and Baseco last August 21 at the Fr. Blanco Garden. Dental doctors and students from Cavite, Centro Escolar University and Adamson University helped in making the dental mission a success.

Aside from these activities, the community also had its annual pageant, Mr. Agustino 2016, last August 26 at the Professorium Lobby. The contenders were John Handumon from Bulacan, Jedd Guevarra from Pampanga, Zosthy Alicdan from Zambales and Bernard Belamide from Cavite.

These 4 men showcased their talents, skills and wit as they battled out for the top spot - Mr. Agustino 2016.

In the end, the winner of the pageant was Guevarra. He is also Best in Talent. He received a certificate, gym gear and the miter, which was annually passed to the new Mr. Agustino. It was passed to him by Aldrin Tanjuan from Bulacan.

Belamide got the 1st Runner-Up title and the Most Photogenic and Best Production Number award, while Alicdan and Handumon got the 2nd and 3rd Runner-up title respectively.

On August 27, the Pre-Novitiate House celebrated its Family Day. Family, Friends and other acquaintances were allowed to witness the facilities of the seminary, including the room of the seminarians. Different activities were held, including those are the talk to the parents given by Pre-Novitiate House Master Fr. Randolf Dayanadayan, OSA, Parlor Games for the parents and guests and the Videoke Singing Competition. Family Day was observed by the Professed brother on August 28, feast of St. Augustine. Different guests arrived, including relgious and priests from the Order of St. Benedict, Congregation of the Mission, Lorenzo Missionary Institute, Order of Discalced Carmelites, and many more.

The community also attended an ordination mass presided by Manila Auxiliary Bishop Broderick Pabillo in the afternoon at San Agustin Church. The newly ordained minister were Rev. Marlon David, OSA of the BASECO community and Rev. Fr. Jay-R Seron, OSA of the Virac Community.

August 28 marked the solemnity of Our Holy Father, St. Augustine. The community started the day with a Solemn Lauds presided by Rev. Fr. Jumbim Torres, OSA, JCL. After the solemn lauds, the seminarians had the chance to show off their dancing skills through Zumba. Breakfast in the form of a boodle fight, a military style of eating, was shared afterwards.

The seminarians also had the time to bond with the different games that was prepard by the Socio-Cultural Committee of the seminary. Some of the games played were Charades and Guess the Message.

In the afternoon, the seminarians once again gathered at San Agustin Church to attend the mass in honor of St. Augustine which was once again presided by Manila Auxiliary Bishop Broderick Pabillo. A procession featuring all Augustinian saints followed the mass. The procession also marked the end of the month-long celebration.

As a reward for their hard work, the Postulants and Pre-Novices were granted a free day the following day, August 29.



Augustine was born in Tagaste, Souk-Ahras, Algeria on November 13, 354 to Patricius, a pagan, and Monica, a fervent Catholic. He was endowed with abundant human and intellectual gifts as well as an inquisitive mind and a passionate spirit, all of which brought him great pain at times, while leading him to great discoveries about himself, life, and God, as well.Through the generosity of a family friend he was able to do studies beyond the basic course in his hometown, and became an accomplished rhetorician and teacher in Africa and later in Rome and Milan. Though he had been admitted to the catechumenate of the Catholic Church by his mother as a child, he did not find satisfaction in the Church during adolescence and young adulthood, and instead was drawn to other forms of spiritual expression, especially in the Manichean sect and later in astrology.

Finally, he embraced skepticism. In retrospect, however, he was able to discern various moments of spiritual growth or conversion until a final climactic moment when he decided to embrace Christ fully in the Catholic Church.​

He had already separated from the woman with whom he had lived for many years and who bore him a son, and was preparing for marriage with another, but his conversion, he felt, required that he abandon altogether any possibility of marriage and commit himself instead to a life of chastity as a celibate 'servant of God'. Following baptism in Milan in 387, together with his son and some friends, he returned with them to his hometown of Tagaste to begin a monastic life. Against his personal wishes, he was ordained priest in Hippo in 391, and became bishop of that See in 397, all the while continuing in his monastic lifestyle. Augustine was a prolific writer, an accomplished preacher, a monastic leader, a theologian, pastor, contemplative, and mystic. He died on August 28, 430 at almost 76 years of age, as North Africa was being invaded by the Vandals and the Church there was being devastated. His remains were taken to Sardinia and later to Pavia, Italy, where they are now preserved in the Basilica of San Pietro in Ciel d'Oro.

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